Plot estimate results to get insight.

# S3 method for treefit
plot(x, ...)



The estimated result by treefit() to be visualized.


The more estimated results to be visualized together or other graphical parameters.


A plot object as a ggplot object. It plots the given one or more estimated results to get insights from one or more treefit() results.


# Generate a tree data. tree <- treefit::generate_2d_n_arms_star_data(200, 3, 0.1) # Estimate the goodness-of-fit between tree models and the tree data. fit <- treefit::treefit(list(expression=tree), "tree") # Visualize the estimated result. plot(fit)
# You can mix multiple estimated results by adding "name" column. tree2 <- treefit::generate_2d_n_arms_star_data(200, 3, 0.9) fit2 <- treefit::treefit(list(expression=tree2), "tree2") plot(fit, fit2)